Statistically, you or someone you know will experience a loss of smell or taste at some point in life. Millions of people suffer from sensory loss in silence. Our mission is to bring attention and support to those worldwide who have lost these senses.

#DeliciousForAll features tips, information, and an ever-evolving collection of dishes designed for universal enjoyment, including individuals with taste and smell impairments. Picture dishes with a satisfying crunch, indulgent buttery textures, and velvety mouthfeel. Imagine visually stunning presentations, bites that evoke nostalgia, and creations that engage all the senses.

This open challenge welcomes home cooks, professional chefs, and devoted recipe developers. Share your recipes—whether written or in video format—for food and drinks. Our team of culinary experts will honor the finest submissions with a spot in the inaugural cookbook tailored for individuals with loss of taste and smell.



The Submission Process


The #DeliciousForAll Culinary Challenge is open to individuals aged 18 or older residing in the United States.

Submissions should fall within one of the following categories:

  • Savory Dish or Sides – This can be an appetizer or main dish.
    Serving size: 6

  • Sweet Treat – This category includes pastries or center-of-plate desserts, such as tortes, puddings, or parfaits.
    Serving size: 10

  • Beverage – This can be an alcoholic or nonalcoholic drink.
    Serving size: 1


In addition to the opportunity of receiving an official trophy of honor, finalists will enjoy a range of valuable rewards and exceptional opportunities. These include mentorship from renowned industry professionals, a chance for their creations to be featured in a published cookbook, and a dedicated media campaign to spotlight their winning recipe.

Subscribe to our newsletter and stay tuned for themed and sponsored lightning-round challenges for prizes and gifts year-round.

Consider prioritizing textures, contrasts, and visual allure to compensate for sensory challenges:

  • Incorporate a range of textures within each dish for a multi-sensory encounter. Blend crisp elements with soft ones to create a dynamic mouthfeel.

  • Elevate the dining experience with visual appeal. Employ vibrant colors and imaginative plating techniques to evoke nostalgia and captivate the eye.

  • While compromised, the sense of taste's balance can still be enjoyed. Experiment with umami-rich ingredients, tangy notes, and complementary flavors.

  • Aromatics remain significant for those with impaired smell. Utilize herbs, spices, and aromatic ingredients to heighten the overall experience.

  • Introduce dishes with both hot and cold components for engaging temperature contrasts.

  • Include hands-on interaction through dishes like customizable wraps or bowls.

  • Stir emotions with nostalgic ingredients that trigger fond memories, resonating even with sensory impairments.

  • Present ingredients to show through as part of the presentation in order to trigger taste memories

  • Ensure accessibility by offering alternative cooking methods, ingredient swaps, and variations to accommodate diverse dietary needs and preferences.

#DeliciousForAll is a dynamic platform that celebrates the culinary arts in diverse forms. It serves as a global stage for individuals from various backgrounds and regions to experiment, showcase their innovative recipes, and contribute to the culinary world.

Submissions can be captivating photos and videos. Let’s push boundaries and create a new body of truly inclusive culinary innovations together.

Get Involved:

Join us in redefining flavor! Craft vibrant recipes for those with loss of taste and smell. Share your creations using #DeliciousForAll.

We invite companies to become sponsors, helping us spread the word and reach a wider audience alongside scientists and culinary professionals to join as additional judges, sharing their expertise with our community. Furthermore, we welcome individuals suffering from chemosensory impairments to assist in judging the recipes, ensuring that our selections cater to their needs. Volunteers are also needed to help produce this exciting and important event.

By joining us, you'll be contributing to a vital initiative aimed at creating an inclusive culinary landscape for everyone. Please contact for more information to get involved. Together, we can make a difference. Thank you.

#DeliciousForAll #SensoryLossRecipes #InclusiveCooking #TasteWithoutLimits

  • The World Taste and Smell Association plays a critical role in enhancing our understanding of food. Their research aids in improving the culinary experience drives food innovation, contributes to health and well-being through a deeper understanding of our dietary responses, and helps preserve diverse culinary traditions. In short, their work fundamentally shapes our food appreciation and the future of the culinary arts.

  • "The #DeliciousForAll Culinary Challenge is about setting an inclusive table—especially during the holiday season and amid cold/flu/COVID times. We want everyone to relish Thanksgiving and holiday meals. The goal isn't to make every dish universally loved, although that would be ideal. Instead, it's about offering something for everyone to enjoy at the table."

  • Unfortunately, there is significant shame and stigma attached to loss of smell or taste. I think it's important for those who suffer from these conditions to know that they are not alone and for others to be aware of the challenges they face.

  • #DeliciousForAll is a platform that provides visibility and genuine feedback from our esteemed panel of judges, empowering individuals to propel their careers forward. We strive to serve a greater purpose by curating and sharing recipes that embody the essence of being more #DeliciousForAll.

  • Driven by the greater good, our mission seeks to enhance the human experience. We firmly believe that access to enjoyable and pleasurable eating should be a birthright for all individuals, regardless of their circumstances. By promoting inclusivity, we strive to create a world where everyone can relish the joys of food and celebrate the diverse flavors that bring us together.

  • As someone who intimately works with fragrance and flavors in my role as a sensory expert and technical product developer, the loss of taste and smell would be devastating. It would affect my personal experiences and impair my ability to work. This sentiment resonates with many trade professionals, from perfumers meticulously crafting scents to sommeliers discerning the nuances of wines. Taste and smell aren't just senses; they are the essence of our work and passion for millions of trade professionals like myself.

  • Delicious is something that satisfies every element of your senses. The first thing that you eat with is your eyes. It doesn't have to be an artfully Michelin star plated dish, but a dish with variety of colors and textures. It should fill your nose with aromas that translate to layers of flavor when it hits your tongue. Sound and touch might be a little less of a factor but still play into the sensory experience of how my brain processes the delicious factor of a dish.

  • Most things are delicious to me, I am the polar opposite to a picky eater. That being said, nothing beats fresh seafood, scallops and halibut being my favorite.

  • WTSA is bringing everyone to the table, whether they are super tasters or have a smell and taste disorder. The most overlooked sense is smell yet it is making a comeback and people are increasingly wanting to know more. WTSA shares olfactory and taste information that is forward thinking in science, culture, and innovation. Thank you for creating a global community in taste and smell!

  • We live in a world where we get a lot of information from people who do not have proper knowledge. Consumer need continuous education with the correct information. I believe this is what your organization is providing by working with professional who are recognize in their field.

  • I think it is important that people understand the challenges and issues with living/working with parosmia.

  • “We are dedicated to supporting and uplifting individuals and emerging talents who have been underrepresented, ensuring inclusivity while embracing the realms of art and science. To us, inclusivity transcends race and gender. We believe it’s time to redefine inclusivity to foster mindfulness and empathy toward the subjective nature of smell and flavor. We believe it's essential to recognize that millions of people silently experience temporary or permanent taste and smell loss and chemosensory distortion, and we are committed to changing this by creating awareness, kindness, and advocating for a more inclusive dining experience.”

Brad Barnes, Certified Master Chef and #DeliciousForAll Chairman highlights the mission's essence:

"Deliciousness is not just determined by taste. It happens when all your senses come together like a well-orchestrated symphony. From the moment you set eyes on a dish and inhale its aroma to the sizzling sounds, textures, and contrasting flavors, we have an array of tools to craft a dish that everyone can savor.

Tips from the Chairman